
Shell Reconfiguration of Single-node, Multi-node Systems

The configuration of single-node systems and multi-node systems can be reconfigured using the CVP shell, even after the installation is complete. The reconfiguration process brings down the applications and CVPI for a brief period of time until reconfiguration is complete.

Single-node Shell Reconfiguration

The process for reconfiguring a single-node system is based on the process used to complete the initial installation. You can change any of the configuration settings during the reconfiguration.

Note: The system must be in healthy state before reconfiguration is attempted.

To change an existing single-node configuration, do the following:

  1. Follow the same steps you use for an initial single-node, shell-based install (see Configuring a Single-Node CVP Instance using CVP Shell).
  2. When prompted with the message Are you sure you want to replace config and restart? yes/no: enter yes, and then press Enter. (Make sure there are no configuration errors.)

    This system automatically completes the configuration.

Multi-node Shell Reconfiguration

The process for reconfiguring a multi-node system is based on the process used to complete the initial installation. Just like initial installations, you can only edit the configuration of the node you are logged into.

Configurable and Read-only Parameters

You can change some, but not all of the configuration settings during the reconfiguration. The configuration parameters you cannot change are read-only after the initial configuration.

The configurable and read-only parameters are:
  • Configurable parameters
    • default route (gateway)
    • dns
    • ntp
    • aeris ingest key
    • TACACS server IP address
    • TACACS server key/port
  • Read-only parameters
    • Cluster interface name
    • Device interface name
    • hostname (fqdn)
    • ip address
    • netmask
    • Number of static routes
    • Route for each static route
    • Interface for static route
    • Primary IP address (use current primary ip address)
    Note: The cluster must be in healthy state before reconfiguration is attempted. Also, do not edit cvp-config.yaml directly. Make sure you use the shell-based install to reconfigure it.

Shifting Parameters

You have the option of shifting common-level parameters (parameters that apply to the cluster), down to the node-level section, and from the node-level section up to the common-level. One example of a common-level parameters you can shift down is default gateway.

Note: If you shift parameters from one level to the other, you may encounter the “Incomplete config” warning during the verify section. If this happens, acknowledge the warning by typing “Y” at the prompt, and then continue with the install.
This example shows the “Incomplete config” warning:
Incomplete config - Missing
- default route
- default route

Override warnings? [Y/n] : Y
Valid config format

Example of Primary Node Reconfiguration

localhost login: cvpadmin
Changing password for user root.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Enter a command
[q]uit [p]rint [s]inglenode [m]ultinode [r]eplace [u]pgrade
Choose a role for the node, roles should be mutually exclusive
[p]rimary [s]econdary [t]ertiary
[q]uit [p]rint [e]dit [v]erify [s]ave [a]pply [h]elp ve[r]bose
CVP service is configured and may be running,
reconfigure may be limited to certain parameters
common configuration:
Telemetry Ingest Key: modified_ingest_key_for_telemetry <-- modified key
Cluster Interface name: eth0
Device Interface name: eth0
node configuration:
 *hostname (fqdn):
 *default route:
Number of Static Routes:
TACACS server ip address:
 *IP address of eth0:
 *Netmask of eth0:
Valid config format.
Using existing settings for new proposed network verification.
Warning: External interfaces, ['eth1'], are discovered under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
These interfaces are not managed by CVP.
Please ensure that the configurations for these interfaces are correct.
Otherwise, actions from the CVP shell may fail.

Valid config.
[q]uit [p]rint [e]dit [v]erify [s]ave [a]pply [h]elp ve[r]bose
Valid config format.
saved config to /cvpi/cvp-config.yaml
Using existing settings for new proposed network verification.
Warning: External interfaces, ['eth1'], are discovered under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
These interfaces are not managed by CVP.
Please ensure that the configurations for these interfaces are correct.
Otherwise, actions from the CVP shell may fail.

Valid config.
Are you sure you want to replace config and restart? yes/no: no


To change an existing multi-node configuration, do the following:

  1. Follow the same steps you use for an initial multi-node, shell-based install (see Configuring Multi-node CVP Instances Using the CVP Shell).
  2. When prompted with the message Are you sure you want to replace config and restart? yes/no: enter yes, and then press Enter. (Make sure there are no configuration errors.)
    Note: You will also be prompted for primary node ip address and root passwords during reconfiguration.