Getting Started: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I contact support?

Arista Networks support may be contacted via phone, email or web portal.

To contact by phone, please call: 1-866-476-0000

To contact via email, send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. What case priorities does Arista Networks use?

The document linked below provides a list of Arista Networks case priorities:

.Arista Case Priority Levels

Arista Networks support recommends that you contact us via phone if you have a P1

3. Where can I find the switch serial number?

The switch SN can be visually seen by looking at the pull-out tab on the rear of the switch, next to the right hand power supply.

The switch SN is also included in the output of 'show version'.

4. How do I access the switch via console?

The switch console port may be accessed using the console cable included in the shipment. Set your terminal settings to:

  • 9600 baud
  • No parity
  • 8 stop bits
  • 1 data bit
  • No flow control

5. How do I upgrade the switch?

Once a valid EOS image has been downloaded, the following process may be followed to upgrade the switch:

1. Validate the current boot image with the show boot-config command. This will show which image the switch is currently set to boot

2. If the management port is configured with a reachable IP address, then this may be used that to transfer the file from a network reachable location. Alternatively, the file may be copied onto a USB key and then copied from the USB key onto the flash file system.

Example command to copy from a web server:

copy http://<path-to-file> flash:<new-file-name>

or from a usb key:

copy usb1:EOS-4.0.1.swi flash:EOS-4.0.1.swi

or from TFTP server:

copy tftp://<server-ip>/<path-to-file> flash:<new-file-name>

3. Using the boot system command in configuration mode, set the switch to boot to the new image file.

switch#conf t
switch(config)#boot system flash:EOS-4.0.1.swi
switch(config)#wr mem

4. Reload the switch with the reload command.

On reload, the switch will boot up with the configured version of EOS.

6. How do I configure a default route?

A default route may be added with the ip route command, as shown below:

switch(config)#ip route

7. How do I enable static routing?

Static routing is enabled with the ip routing command, as shown below:

switch(config)#ip routing

8. What network access methods can be configured?

The switch can be accessed over the network via ssh or telnet, provided the proper network connectivity has been configured. Ssh is enabled by default. If desired, telnet may be enabled via the following process:

switch(config)#management telnet
switch(config-mgmt)#no shutdown

9. What passwords can be configured?

Passwords can be applied to any user account (including the default admin account), as part of the username secret syntax:

switch(config)#username test secret testpass

Access to enable mode may be password protected via the enable secret syntax:

switch(config)#enable secret enablepass

Access to the aboot process can be controlled with the boot secret syntax:

switch(config)#boot secret bootpass

10. How do I configure remote logging?

The switch can be configured to log to an external host with the logging host command, as shown below:

switch(config)#logging host

11. How do I configure a SVI?

By adding a Layer 3 interface for a VLAN and adding an ip address, you can create a switched virtual interface, or SVI. This virtual interface will be reachable so long as one of the ports in the VLAN is reachable.

Here is a configuration example:

switch(config)#int vlan 10
switch(config-if-Vl10)#ip address