Routing control functions (RCF) is a language that can be used to express route filtering and attribute modification logic in a powerful and programmatic fashion. 

Routing Control Functions (RCF) is a language that can express route filtering and attribute modification logic in a powerful and programmatic fashion.The document covers: Configurations of a RCF function for BGP points of application

This document describes a new CLI command to help debug how and why policy permits and denies paths. The aim of this CLI command is for the user to debug a route map or RCF (Routing Control Functions) function by specifying as input a prefix for which BGP has reachability for, either via a BGP peer or a redistribute source.

Routing control functions (RCF) is a language that can be used to express route filtering and attribute modification logic in a powerful and programmatic fashion.

In EOS, BGP creates different update groups based on the outbound configuration. Different route maps or Routing

This document describes a new CLI command to help debug how and why route maps permit and deny paths. The aim of this CLI