Layer 2 Subinterfaces
A Layer 2 subinterface is a logical bridging endpoint associated with traffic on an interface distinguished by 802.1Q tags, where each interface, 802.1q tag tuple is treated as a first-class bridging interface.
Like other types of interfaces, an L2 subinterface is a normal bridging endpoint in the bridging domain.

Creating a Layer 2 Subinterface
Complete the following steps to configure a Layer 2 (L2) subinterface on an Arista switch:
MAC Address on Layer 2 Subinterface
MAC addresses can either be statically configured or dynamically assigned behind Layer 2 (L2) subinterfaces.
switch(config)# mac address-table static 0000.000a.000a vlan 200 interface et1.1
switch# show mac address-table interface et1.1-2
Mac Address Table
Vlan Mac Address Type Ports Moves Last Move
---- ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---------
200 0000.000a.000a STATIC Et1.1
200 0000.000b.000b DYNAMIC Et1.2 1 0:00:06 ago
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 2
MAC address learning can be enabled or disabled on an L2 subinterface using the following commands:
In the following example, the show interface ethernet1.1 switchport command has this running-config:
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# show interface ethernet1.1 switchport
Name: Et1.1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: tunnel
Operational Mode: tunnel
MAC Address Learning: disabled
Dot1q ethertype/TPID: 0x8100 (active)
Dot1q VLAN Tag: Allowed
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Static Trunk Groups:
Dynamic Trunk Groups:
Source interface filtering: enabled
VLAN forwarding mode: allowedVlansOnly
To enable MAC address learning, use the no mac address learning disabledcommand:
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# no mac address learning disabled
QoS Feature
Supported QoS features include the following:
After creating an L2 subinterface, you can configure a shape rate (in Kbps) on the sub-interface. For example, configure the shape rate to 50000000 Kbps.
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# shape rate 50000000
TC6-7 : | VOQ3 |
TC4-5 : | VOQ2 |
TC2-3 : | VOQ1 |
TC0-1 : | VOQ0 |
VOQ3 is in strict-priority mode to the other VOQs.
VOQ2, VOQ1, and VOQ0 are in WRR with a static credit ratio 2:3:6 (higher ratio implies more credits).
The subinterface inherits the trust mode of the parent interface.
Before EOS Release 4.24.2F, EOS supported shaping only on L2 subinterfaces of parent Ethernet interfaces, for example, Et1.1. Beginning with EOS Release 4.24.2F, EOS supports shaping on L2 subinterface over a port-channel parent interface for example, Po1.1).
Guaranteed Bandwidth
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# bandwidth guaranteed 10000000
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# bandwidth guaranteed percent 10
For policing to work on the L2 subinterface, you must switch to the QoS profile.
switch(config)# hardware tcam
switch(config-hw-tcam)# system profile qos
Sample Policy-map Configuration:
switch(config)# ip access-list a1
switch(config-acl-a1)# statistics per-entry
switch(config-acl-a1)# 10 permit ip any any
switch(config)# class-map type qos match-any c1
switch(config-cmap-qos-c1)# match ip access-group a1
switch(config)# class-map type qos match-any c2
switch(config-cmap-qos-c2)# match vlan 100 0xfff
switch(config)# ipv6 access-list a1
switch(config-ipv6-acl-a1)# statistics per-entry
switch(config-ipv6-acl-a1)# 10 permit ipv6 any any
switch(config)# class-map type qos match-any c3
switch(config-cmap-qos-c3)# match ipv6 access-group a1
switch(config)# policy-map type quality-of-service p1
switch(config-pmap-quality-of-service-p1)# class c1
switch(config-pmap-quality-of-service-p1-c1)# police cir 10 Mbps bc 100000 bytes
switch(config-if-Et1.1)# service-policy type qos input p1
Interface Counters
To enable the hardware features for counting packets on L2 subinterfaces ingress and/or egress, use the hardware counter feature command, similar to the following example. In the example, enable subinterface layer2 for ingress, and then enable for egress.
switch(config)# hardware counter feature subinterface in layer2
switch(config)# hardware counter feature subinterface out layer2
switch# show interfaces et1.1 counters
Port InOctets InPkts
Et1.1 0 0
Port OutOctets OutPkts
Et1.1 0 0
switch# clear counters
switch# clear counters et1.1
- A total of 256 Layer 2 subinterfaces with shaping are supported across the entire switch and they can be distributed across any number of Ethernet ports.
- When configuring a shape rate on an L2 subinterface over a parent port -channel interface, such as, Po1.1), traffic load-balancing is disabled and is directed to a selected port-channel member. Also, the bandwidth of the port-channel subinterface will be equal to the selected member. However, the show interface command continues to show the bandwidth of the port-channel which is incorrect.
- After configuring a shape rate on an L2 subinterface, the L2 subinterface must be flapped by using the shut” and no shut commands.
- Shaping of BUM traffic on L2 subinterfaces is supported only with “ingress replication”.
- EOS does not support Layer 3 forwarding through SVIs .
- EOS does not support control plane processing, such as IGMP snooping and STP BPDU.
- When IGMP protocol packets are expected to be forwarded on L2 subinterfaces, then IGMP snooping must be disabled globally on the entire switch using the no ip igmp snooping command. When IGMP snooping is configured on any VLAN, then IGMP protocol packets are discarded by L2 subinterfaces.
- Double tagged packets arriving on L2 subinterfaces with a single encapsulation dot1q vlan <outer_vid> command configured will match on the outer VLAN tag, and have only the outer VLAN tags terminated.
- Configuration of double tagged L2 subinterfaces through the encapsulation dot1q vlan <outer_vid> inner <inner_vid> command is not supported.
- EOS does not support the mixing of shaped and non-shaped subinterfaces under the same parent interface.
- Traffic classification on ingress traffic to l2 subinterface is disabled by default. To enable this feature, configure using the qos trust cos command on the parent interface.
- L2 subinterfaces are not supported in an MLAG environment.
QoS Show Commands
Use the show interfaces status command to display the subinterface status.
switch# show interfaces status sub-interfaces
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type Flags Encapsulation
Et1.1 connected 200 full 10G dot1q-encapsulation 100
Et1.2 connected 200 full 10G dot1q-encapsulation 101
Use the show vlan command to display the VLAN membership. In the following example, vlan 200 is configured to be displayed.
switch# show vlan 200
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- ------------------- --------- -------------------
200 office active Et1.1, Et1.2, Et5
Use the show qos interface command to display the QoS configuration on an L2 subinterface. In the following example, QoS subinterface Ethernet 1.1 is configured to be displayed.
switch# show qos interface Ethernet 1.1
Trust Mode: DSCP
Default COS: 0
Default DSCP: 0
Port shaping rate: 50625 / 50000 kbps
Use the show interface counters with the queue keyword to display the L2 subinterface counters. For example subinterface Ethernet 1.1 is configured to display the L2 subinterface counters.
switch# show interface Ethernet 1.1 counters queue
Aggregate VoQ Counters
Egress Traffic Pkts Octets DropPkts DropOctets
Port Class
Et1.1 TC0-1 0 0 0 0
Et1.1 TC2-3 0 0 0 0
Et1.1 TC4-5 0 0 0 0
Et1.1 TC6-7 460266 276159600 109316 65589600
Use the show mac address-table command to display the MAC address on L2 subinterfaces. For example, subinterfaces Et1.1 and Et1.2 are configured to be displayed.
switch# show mac address-table interface et1.1-2
Mac Address Table
Vlan Mac Address Type Ports Moves Last Move
---- ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---------
200 0000.000a.000a STATIC Et1.1
200 0000.000b.000b DYNAMIC Et1.2 1 0:00:16 ago
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 2