
Key CV-CUE Operations and Directories

CV-CUE is containerized as a service on CV. See the Wifimanager CLI Commands section for a list of CV-CUE CLI commands and their descriptions.

For details on how to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot WiFi using CV-CUE, see the CV-CUE User Guide on the Arista CV-CUE Support Portal at https://www.arista.com/support/customer-portal. You can access the portal from the WiFi - Support Portal tile on your dashboard. For details and credentials to access the portal, contact このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。.

CVPI Commands for CV-CUE

The following table lists the operations you can perform on wifimanager and the corresponding CVPI commands used.
Table 1. CVPI Commands
Operation CVPI Command
start cvpi start wifimanager
stop cvpi stop wifimanager
status cvpi status wifimanager
restart cvpi restart wifimanager
reset cvpi reset wifimanager
backup cvpi backup wifimanager
restore cvpi restore wifimanager </path/to/backup/file>
debug cvpi debug wifimanager
Note: The backup restore fails if the user running the restore command does not have access to the path where the backup file is stored.

The restart command restarts the wifimanager service, whereas the reset command resets wifimanager settings and data to factory default values. The debug command generates a debug bundle containing log files and configuration files that can be used to troubleshoot issues.

The following table lists the operations you can perform on aware and the corresponding CVPI commands used.

Table 2. Aware CVPI Commands
Operation CVPI Command
start cvpi start aware
stop cvpi stop aware
status cvpi status aware

Wifimanager Directories

CV-CUE stores its data in docker volumes that reside under the /data/wifimanager directory on the CV. The following table lists the important wifimanager directories and the information they contain.
Table 3. Contents of wifimanager Directories
Directory on CV Contains
/data/wifimanager/log/glog Application logs
/data/wifimanager/data/conf Configuration files
/data/wifimanager/data/data System data files/directories
/data/wifimanager/data/instances Customer data files/directories
/data/wifimanager/data/pgsql_data Postgres data
/data/wifimanager/log/slog System logs
/data/wifimanager/backup On-demand backups