Date: September 29th 2014

Revision Date Changes
1.0 September 29th 2014 Initial release
1.1 September 30th 2014 Additional details on maintenance releases
1.2 October 29th 2014 Additional details on fixed releases
1.3 November 4th 2014 Additional details on fixed releases

Shell command Bash code injection vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6278, and CVE-2014-7169)

On September 24th, Arista became aware of a vulnerability affecting all versions of the bash package shipped with Arista EOS. The bash code injection vulnerability could allow for arbitrary code execution, allowing an attacker to gain shell access.

Arista switches are only vulnerable to administrators with current access to the switch CLI. The switch is not vulnerable to remote attack.

A software patch (RPM extension) is available for download. In addition fixes will be integrated for each currently supported version of EOS through regular maintenance releases. Currently supported versions of EOS include 4.9 through 4.14.

BugID’s 99948 and 99949 address the issue.

All models of the Arista 7000 Series of fixed and modular systems are affected.

EOS Releases Affected Fixed in Status
4.9.0 through 4.9.11 4.9.12 Pending Release
4.10.0 through 4.10.8 4.10.9 Pending Release
4.11.0 through 4.11.10 4.11.11 Released
4.12 through 4.12.8 4.12.9 Released
4.13 through 4.13.8 4.13.9 Released
4.14.0 through 4.14.3 4.14.4F Released

Available mitigations include restricting access to a set of known trusted users, restricting ssh logins to trusted source IP addresses, and temporarily removing remote access to users with non privileged access.

Customers using Arista’s DHCP extensions or using dhclient in a custom setup may wish to disable the extension if it passes DHCP parameters to bash as environment variables.

To determine if the version of EOS is vulnerable use the following command:

switch# bash
-bash-4.1# X='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"
X='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"
this is a test

If the output of the above command contains a line containing the word “vulnerable” you are using a vulnerable version of Bash. The patch used to fix this issue ensures that no code is allowed after the end of a Bash function.


The resolution to this issue is through the installation of a patch, or through upgrading to a version of EOS that contains the resolution. This section will be updated once EOS maintenance releases are available. A patch is currently available.

Download URL for patch:

Instructions to install the patch for Security Advisory 0006

The extension is applicable for all EOS versions 4.9.0 - 4.14.3 inclusive.

Step 1. Copy the file secAdvisory0006.swix to the extension partition of the Arista switch using any of the supported file transfer protocols:

switch#copy scp://このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。/home/arista/secAdvisory0006.swix extension:

Step 2. Ensure that the file has been copied to the extensions partition and verify the checksum of the copied file:

switch#show extensions 

To verify the extension, compare the following sha512 or md5 checksum with the output of the verify command:

sha512sum: 3cf25bb085c3b3bb84430257887e0ee75f4abe52968d093258ce65cad95450e8163b374429da81db0cecccf344bcb469354fbfa0bc0c9651a33c7b509f89f88f

verify commands:

switch#verify /sha512 extension:secAdvisory0006.swix  
verify /sha512 (extension:secAdvisory0006.swix) = 3cf25bb085c3b3bb84430257887e0ee75f4abe52968d093258ce65cad95450e8163b374429da81db0cecccf344bcb469354fbfa0bc0c9651a33c7b509f89f88f
switch#verify /md5 extension:secAdvisory0006.swix
verify /md5 (extension:secAdvisory0006.swix) =

Step 3. The patch is installed as an extension, and upon installation into a live system will automatically install with the following behavior:

switch#extension secAdvisory0006.swix

All modular switches with dual supervisors require the extension copying and installing on both supervisors.

Verify that the extension has been installed:

switch#show extensions

Step 4. Post installation, any newly initialized shell sessions will use the fixed version of bash.

Note: As the vulnerability exists only during the startup of a new bash instance, existing running shell instances are unlikely to be affected. Existing bash scripts running as part of a custom setup may be restarted to ensure use of the new version of bash.

Step 5. Make the extension persist across reboots:

switch#copy installed-extensions boot-extensions 
Copy completed successfully.
switch#show boot-extensions

Verification of the bash version after resolution:

switch#show version detail  | grep -i bash  
bash 4.1.14Ar 4.fc14

Arista Networks PSIRT team monitors industry-wide vulnerability reporting and is committed to addressing any additional potential threats.

For More Information on Vulnerability please visit:

For More Information:
If you require further assistance, or if you have any further questions regarding this security notice, please contact the Arista Networks Technical Assistance Center (TAC) by one of the following methods:

Open a Service Request:
By email: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
By telephone: 408-547-5502