Arista는 모두 Arista EOS® 소프트웨어를 통해 구동되는 고밀도, non-blocking 10/40/100GbE 네트워크에 대한 모니터링, 가시성 및 분석을 제공하는 새로운 TAP 집적 방식을 제공합니다. 이 방식으로 클라우드급 모니터링 기능을 구축하는 데 드는 비용을 크게 줄일 수 있습니다.
DANZ를 사용하는 차세대 TAP 집적을 통해 모든 데이터 센터 네트워크 트래픽을 비용 효율적으로 손실 없이 모니터링하는 동시에 필요한 트래픽만 캡처 및 분석할 수 있습니다. 동급 최고의 비즈니스 가치를 지닌 DANZ는 기존의 패킷 중개자에 비해 CAPEX 및 OPEX를 줄여줍니다. DANZ를 통해 고객은 불투명한 데이터 센터 트래픽을 가시적으로 변환하여 어플리케이션 및 네트워크 성능 관리, 트래픽 기록 및 분석, 보안 위협 감지 및 완화, 표준 준수 및 문제 해결을 개선할 수 있습니다.
Arista의 TAP 집적 기능은 네트워크 및 어플리케이션 성능에 대한 유비쿼터스 가시성을 제공하는 모니터링 네트워크의 구성 기능을 제공합니다. Arista의 TAP 집적 아키텍처가 제공하는 기능에는 다음이 포함됩니다.
- 네트워크 트래픽의 무손실 모니터링을 위한 고급 트래픽 관리 기능을 통한 고밀도, non-blocking, 와이어 스피드 10/40/100GbE 패킷 캡처
- 전매 패브릭이나 경직된 설계 없이 입증된 개방형 스위칭 플랫폼을 전체 기반으로 하는 가시성 솔루션으로 운영을 모니터링할 수 있는 프로그래밍 기능
- 고급 네트워크 패킷 중개자 기능
- 새롭게 등장한 네트워크 가상화 모델(예: VXLAN, NVGRE)에 대한 지원을 통해 매우 동적으로 가상화된 공개/비공개 클라우드의 모든 작업 부하에 대한 가시성 유지 가능
Arista DANZ(데이터 분석기) 솔루션은 유연성과 정밀도가 매우 우수한 확장 가능 엔드 투 엔드 네트워크 및 어플리케이션 모니터링 기능을 제공합니다. 그와 동시에 캡처된 데이터를 기존의 타사 모니터링 도구로 직접 통합할 수 있게 해 줍니다.
CloudVisionⓇ Universal Network ObservabilityTM(CV UNOTM) is Arista’s cutting-edge, multi-domain network observability platform that fuses application visibility with CloudVision’s robust network telemetry. This integration delivers unparalleled insights into application and workload performance across data centers, campuses, and wide area networks. Powered by NetDL and AVA-driven analysis, CV UNO enables proactive diagnostics and prescriptive recommendations, accelerating issue identification and resolution. This ground-breaking solution minimizes human error, streamlines troubleshooting and ensures precise causal analysis of network events and their impact on application delivery.
Key CV UNO benefits:
- Integrated Workload Application and Infrastructure Visibility
CV UNO creates a comprehensive application-to-network graph that offers a dynamic, historical view of the network and application environment, ensuring continuous, in-depth visibility into application flows at any moment. - Proactive Risk Analysis
Leveraging CV UNO’s application intelligence, CloudVision’s change control workflows (including AVD) rigorously evaluate potential network changes before deployment, ensuring operational resilience and stability. - Realtime Impact Analysis
Without the need for host-based agents, CV UNO swiftly helps operators determine whether performance issues stem from the network or the application, expediting resolution and simplifying coordination across operations teams.
CV UNO - Arista’s Platform for Network Observability
Available as a premium feature on Arista CloudVision as-a-Service (CVaaS), CV UNO deploys one or more strategically placed CV UNO Sensor VMs on-premises to collect, normalize, and meticulously curate flow and SNMP data from diverse sources, including physical and virtual compute and third-party network devices. This comprehensive data is seamlessly integrated with CloudVision’s deep network state insights and stored in NetDL.
CV UNO leverages advanced machine intelligence to analyze this enriched data, identifying application and topology-aware correlations, event patterns, behavior changes, and flow anomalies. This capability dramatically accelerates impact analysis and issue resolution, delivering an unparalleled 360° observability experience through the following key features:
- Private cloud visibility: API integration with VMware vCenter enhances visibility by incorporating application, flow and event data into NetDL.
- Application Discovery: Automated workflows discover and classify applications by integrating with CMDB (ServiceNow) and IPAM (InfloBlox) tools, providing a clear overview of the application environment.
- Application Dashboard: A centralized view of application health, performance, services, critical events, top bandwidth consumers and more.
- Application Dependency Mapping: Visualizes interaction between application services with flow metrics, enabling faster and more accurate diagnostics.
- Application Flow graph: Displays bandwidth-aware, directional inter-service application flows for deeper insights.
- DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Integration: Support the collection of end-to-end TCP analysis and flow data, enhancing visibility and troubleshooting capabilities.
- Enhanced 3rd Party Device Visibility: Extends support for flow data collection from third-party devices, augmenting CloudVision’s SNMP-based third-party device integration.
- End-to-End Visualization: Elevates CV’s network topology visualization to include physical and virtual end hosts, revealing how applications connect to the network and pinpointing potential bottlenecks or performance issues at the flow level.
- Enhanced Fault / Anomaly Detection: Augments CloudVision’s event correlation, inference and alerting algorithms by incorporating application context, events, end-to-end TCP analysis into its network-centric framework.
Get Started Today
Don't let network challenges slow you down. Elevate your network observability with the unmatched capabilities of CV UNO. Contact your Arista Account team or email 이 이메일 주소가 스팸봇으로부터 보호됩니다. 확인하려면 자바스크립트 활성화가 필요합니다. now to schedule a demo and learn how CloudVision Universal Network Observability (CV UNO) can enable 360o observability for your network infrastructure. Unlock the full potential of your network with Arista Networks and experience the future of observability.
Predictive, App-aware, Flow Intelligence for Pervasive Observability
DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) is a next-generation network packet broker (NPB) architected for pervasive, organization-wide visibility and security, delivering multi-tenant monitoring-as-a-service. DMF enables IT operators to pervasively monitor all user, device/IOT and application traffic (north-south and east-west) by gaining complete visibility into physical, virtual and container environments. Deep hop-by-hop visibility, predictive analytics and scale-out packet capture — integrated through a single dashboard — enables simplified network performance monitoring (NPM) and SecMon workflows for real-time and historical context, delivering a one-stop visibility solution for on-premise data centers, enterprise campus/branch and 4G/5G mobile networks.
To learn more, download the DMF Datasheet or test drive online at DMF Labs.

Featured Video: Arista DANZ Monitoring Fabric Delivering Pervasive, Context-driven Network Observability
DMF - Pervasive Observability
- One logical Network Packet Broker (NPB): Eliminates tool silos by centralizing tool farms
- Zero-Touch Fabric Operations via DMF Controller: Automated, Built-in workflows for Day0 / Day1 / Day2 Operations
- Scale-out, leaf-spine fabric design: Institutes a “Build as you grow” model leveraging horizontal scale-out fabric architecture
- Resilient design: Ensures policy intent in the event of device/link failure for continuous visibility.
- Monitoring-As-A-Service: Policy and delegated administration across multi-tenant NetOps/SecOps/DevOps tool owners
- Mission-critical monitoring design: High-performance, high-density and deep-buffer 10G/25G/100G platforms at Ethernet economics
DMF - Integrated Contextual Insights
- Comprehensive Flow Intelligence: Presents enterprise-wide actionable insights, deep visibility, and security analytics via intuitive, flow-aware dashboards.
- Network Time Machine - Integrated real-time and historical network analysis, traffic recording and replay for security and performance monitoring
- Predictive Analytics for Autonomous IT: Enables network and application performance analysis and capacity planning
- Intelligent alert and notification engine: Provides real-time issue tracking and dramatically improves “mean time to resolution”.
- Application Dependency Mapping for Enhanced Reachability Analysis: Visualizations for app-to-app communications
Arista offers a new approach to TAP Aggregation that delivers security, availability and data analysis for high density, non-blocking 1G to 400G networks at any scale– all powered by Arista EOS® software to deliver an order of magnitude improvement in the economics of building cloud-scale visibility.
Next generation TAP Aggregation using Arista CloudVision® with Arista Data ANalyZer (DANZ) makes it possible to cost-effectively and losslessly monitor all datacenter network traffic, while capturing and analyzing only the traffic that is needed. DANZ is a precision visibility architecture that can scale to thousands of access points and hundreds of Terabits bandwidth.

DANZ EOS lowers CAPEX and OPEX versus traditional packet brokers or in-band monitoring approaches with its cloud-scale architecture, best-in-class business value and deep lossless visibility features. DANZ provides both an in-band and out-of-band telemetry and packet capture architecture, not available in lower scale, proprietary add-on visibility fabrics. With DANZ, customers can transform opaque datacenter traffic into comprehensive visibility for security threat detection and mitigation, application and network performance management, service availability monitoring, traffic recording and troubleshooting.
Arista DANZ EOS delivers TAP aggregation capabilities with the same highly scalable platforms optimized as Arista’s Universal Leaf and Spine, including:
- Support for up to 576 ports of 400G and 2304 ports of 100G/50G/25G/10G in a single non-blocking platform that simplifies deployment by providing higher density and capacity with fewer devices
- Programmability and automation provided on Arista’s proven open switching platforms, including: 7800R3 Series, 7500R3 Series and 7280R3 Series without proprietary fabrics or inflexible designs
- CloudVision as a single point of control for provisioning, orchestration and real-time telemetry for both the TAP Aggregation network, as well as the general purpose data center network infrastructure.
DANZ Monitoring Fabric
- .DANZ Monitoring Fabric Datasheet
- .Next-generation Visibility and Security with DANZ Monitoring Fabric White Paper
- .Enabling Pervasive Network Observability with DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Solution Guide
- .DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Technical Solution Guide
- .451 Report: Arista is laying the foundation for integrated observability
- .Basefarm Case Study
- .Intuit Case Study
- .TAP Aggregation Product Brief
- .Precision Data Analysis with DANZ - White Paper
- .Carrier Scale Visibility and Monitoring
- .Security for the Cloud Data Center
- .Leveraging EOS and sFlow for Advanced Network Visibility White Paper
- .Cloudifying Data Center Monitoring White Paper
- .Advanced Monitoring and TAP Aggregation
- .Arista Precision Time Protocol
- .TAP Modules Corning Reference Guide
- .Arista DANZ for Cloud Scale Networking
- .Introducing Arista DANZ for TAP Aggregation
- .Precision Data Analysis for Next-Generation TAP Aggregation
DANZ Monitoring Fabric
- .DMF Dynamic VM Monitoring
- .Arista DANZ Monitoring Fabric for Pervasive Observability
- .DMF: Zero-Touch Fabric Operations
- .DMF Service Node: Deduplication
- .DMF Service Node: IPFIX Generation
- .DMF Service Node: Header Stripping
- .DMF Service Node: Slicing
- .DMF Service Node: UDP Replication
- .DMF Service Node: Masking
- .Analytics Node: Enterprise-wide Contextual Analytics
- .Analytics Node: Machine Learning