
OS Installation and Application Setup


In order to use the CloudEOS and vEOS router, use the following link to access the vEOS Router Configuration Guide to create vEOS routers. https://www.arista.com/en/support/product-documentation.

Installing the Base CVA OS

Note: Complete the following steps to re-image the appliance to the factory reset. This will remove and you will lose all existing configurations and CloudEOS and vEOS routers.

To install the base CVA OS image, complete the following steps.

  1. Create the boot image.
    Note: Contact Arista TAC team to get the bootable self installing ISO image.
  2. Create a bootable flash drive.
    • Insert a flash drive and locate it:
      [root@cv ~]# lsblk
      sda 8:0 0 205G 0 disk
      __sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot
      __sda2 8:2 0 204.5G 0 part
      __centos_cv­root 253:0 0 50G 0 lvm /
      __centos_cv­swap 253:1 0 20.5G 0 lvm [SWAP]
      __centos_cv­home 253:2 0 134G 0 lvm /home
      sdb 8:16 0 3.4T 0 disk /data
      sdc 8:32 1 14.6G 0 disk
      __sdc1 8:33 1 7.5G 0 part
    • Format the flash drive.
      sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc ­I
    • Copy the downloaded ISO image to the flash drive:
      dd if=<path_to_iso> of=<flash_drive> status=progress
  3. Insert the flash drive and power on the server.
  4. Remove the flash drive after completing the installation.

Installing the CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance

Once the base CVA OS image is installed, complete the following steps to build the CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance.

  1. Acquire the artifacts to build the vEOS appliance.
  2. Inflate the CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance manufacturing tools under /data/tools/.
    %mkdir /data/imaging; mkdir /data/tools; cd /data/imaging
    %tar -zxf arista-dca-200­veos-2.1.0-mfg.tgz
    %mv dca-200-veos-setup-vm.py /data/tools/
    %mv <Downloaded_EOS.qcow2_image_from_above> /data/tools/
  3. Run the installer:

    This re-boots the box at the end.

  4. Run the post-install test:
  5. Test the NICs cards:
    • Connect the 4x10Gb data ports using the supported Arista copper or fiber transceivers. Make sure to connect Port 1 to Port 3 and Port 2 to Port 4. Port 1 is first port towards the 1G management port side.
    • Run the NIC test script:
      %/data/imaging/dca-200-veos-test-nics.py -a -i /data/tools/EOS.qcow2
    • Remove the transceivers before shipping the box.
    Note: Make sure to leave VM launcher script dca-200-veos-setup-vpm.py under /data/tools/ as it will be used by customers to dynamically create CloudEOS and vEOS VMs on-site.

Setting Up CVP

Note: Single-Node is not recommended for production deployments.

Pre-installation Checklist

  • Ensure that you have console access to the CVP virtual machine on each appliance, via WOK web access. See Web Access into CVX and CVP consoles via WOK.
  • Enter the CVP Console.
  • Ensure all configurations are done via console and not via SSH.
Note: This configuration will change the IPs and will drop connectivity if done over SSH.