Licensing and Subscriptions

How to Assign a Subscription to an Appliance

Edge Threat Management appliances require a license for full functionality. This help article describes how to assign your purchased license to an appliance.


Assigning a Subscription

You can assign a subscription from the appliance dashboard or from the subscriptions area.

To assign a subscription from the appliance dashboard:
  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click Appliances.
  3. Select the appliance you want to license from the list of appliances on the left.
  4. Locate the Appliance Licenses widget and click Add license.
  5. Select the subscription to assign to this appliance.
  6. Click Add.

To assign a subscription from the subscriptions area:
  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to assign.
  5. Select the manage button.
  6. Choose Assign subscription to an appliance.
  7. Select an appliance and click Save.

Upgrading an Appliance Subscription

You can upgrade your software subscriptions from ETM Dashboard. For example, if you need to add users or convert to a NG Complete subscription. Before upgrading your subscription, make sure your billing information is accurate. See How to Update Billing / Shipping Address for details.

To upgrade your subscriptions

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Select the Subscriptions.
  4. Check the box for each subscription(s) to upgrade.
    Note: you’ll only be able to update one Complete package subscription at a time.
  5. Click the Upgrade button.
  6. Fill in the relevant information to upgrade your subscription and click Review.
  7. Review the upgrade charges and payment method and click Upgrade.
  8. You’ll receive a message that the subscription was successfully upgraded.

How to Remove/Unassign a Subscription from an Appliance

This article walks you through the process to remove a subscription from an Edge Threat Management appliance.

Removing a Subscription

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Subscriptions.
  4. Check the box for each subscription(s) to be removed/unassigned.
  5. Click the Manage button.
  6. A pop-up will appear giving you three options - select the option to "Unassign subscription from [UID#]" button and click OK.

Now that you have unassigned the subscription, if you would like to assign it to another UID, here is how:

How to assign/transfer a subscription

How to allow users to manage subscriptions

How to Share a Subscription to a Different Account

You can share a subscription to a different ETM Dashboard user account. For example, user Bob purchases a subscription and needs to assign it to an appliance that belongs to Sally's account. In this case, Bob owns the subscription and he can share it to Sally so that she can assign it to an appliance that belongs to her account.

Note: When sharing a subscription, the delegated user does not see the price of the subscription and does not have the ability to upgrade or renew the subscription. The shared subscription remains in the owner's account and all billing aspects of the subscription are managed exclusively by the owner.

To Share a Subscription

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to share.
  5. Click the Manage button.
  6. Choose "Allow another user to view and assign/unassign this subscription" and enter the email address of another account.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The other user receives an email confirming access to the subscription. At that point, the other user can assign the subscription to one of their appliances.

How to Transfer a Subscription to Another Appliance

If you need to move a subscription to another appliance, you can do so at any time in the Subscriptions area of your account.

Reassigning a Subscription

If you want to reassign a license to a different appliance, you must first unassign it from the current appliance. To unassign a subscription:
  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to unassign.
  5. Click the Manage button.
  6. Choose the option "Unassign subscription from ...".
  7. Click Save.

After you unassign the subscription, you can assign it to an appliance in your account or to an appliance managed in a different ETM Dashboard account.

To assign a subscription to another account, see How to share a subscription to another account.

How to Renew a Subscription

You can renew a subscription using your ETM Dashboard account, without needing to make a new purchase or contact the Sales team.

Renewing a Subscription

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Subscriptions.
  4. Select the checkboxes for the subscriptions that are to be renewed.
  5. Click Renew Now.
  6. A dialog box will appear showing your current balance, if any.
  7. Upon clicking the "Renew" button, the subscription will renewed for an additional period (depending on the subscription this could be monthly, yearly or multi-year).
Notes regarding subscription renewal:
  • Only subscriptions within 30 days of expiration are eligible for renewal. If the subscription renewal is further away and you wish to renew, we recommend enabling Auto Renewal on the subscription. CLICK HERE to learn how to toggle Auto Renewal.
  • Once a subscription reaches the expired state, it is automatically unassigned from the appliance.
  • An expired subscription can be renewed for up to 14 days. After 14 days a new subscription must be purchased.
  • The anniversary date of a subscription remains the same whether it is renewed before or after the expiration date.

Related topics:

How to assign a subscription to a server.

Redeeming a Voucher

A voucher is a transferable license that becomes an active subscription after you redeem the code and assign it to an instance of NG Firewall. A voucher is like a "gift certificate" for a specific NG Firewall software package. The voucher key is a unique alphanumeric code that you redeem in ETM Dashboard to create the subscription.

A voucher provides you a way to delay activation of your subscription. If you are a Partner, it's efficient to purchase a set of vouchers using one transaction, and redeem the vouchers as you deploy NG Firewalls. If you do not intend to install the NG Firewall yourself, you can simplify the installation process by sending the voucher to your customer.

Important: If you do not redeem the voucher to a subscription within 30 days it converts automatically to a subscription.

Redeeming a Voucher

To redeem a voucher:
  1. Log in to Edge Threat Management Dashboard at
  2. If you do not have an account, click Create an account on the login page.
  3. After logging in, click My Organization from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  4. Click Subscriptions.
  5. Click Redeem Voucher.
  6. Enter your voucher code and click Redeem.
  7. Review your list of subscriptions and confirm that a new subscription appears.

After you redeem your voucher you can assign your new subscription to an appliance.

How to Create a Subscription Renewal Quote

You can use ETM Dashboard to generate a renewal quote for a subscription without needing to contact the Edge Threat Management Sales team directly.

Generating your Quote

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click on My Organization.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Select the checkbox on the subscription where a renewal quote is needed.
  5. Click the Renewal Quote button. You’ll receive a message that the quote is ready. Click the View Quote button.
  6. The quote will open in a new tab. Select that tab to view the quote.
  7. You can either save or print the quote using the browser’s print or save feature. To print using the Chrome browser, Select File → Print.

How to assign a subscription to a server.

How to Enable or Disable Auto Renewal

You can enable or disable the auto-renew feature on an appliance subscription via this process.

Toggling Auto-Renew State

  1. Login to ETM Dashboard.
  2. Click My Organization from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. To change the auto-renew setting for a subscription, select the checkbox for the subscription and click the Toggle Auto Renewal button. Depending on the current state of that subscription auto-renewal, will be enabled or disabled.

Other Resources Relating to Subscription Management

How to upgrade a subscription.

How to manually renew a subscription.

How to assign a subscription.