
Site Selection

Read the safety instructions in your Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information booklet before you begin.

The following criteria should be considered when selecting a site to install the appliance:

  • Before you begin, review the safety instructions located at
  • Begin installing the rails in the allotted space that is closest to the bottom of the rack enclosure.
  • Other Requirements: Select a site where liquids or objects cannot fall onto the equipment and foreign objects are not drawn into the ventilation holes. Verify these guidelines are met:
    • Clearance areas to the front and rear panels allow for unrestricted cabling.
    • All front and rear panel indicators can be easily read.
    • Power cords can reach from the power outlet to the connector on the rear panel.
Note: All power connections must be removed to de-energize the unit.
Note: This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas.

Receiving and Inspecting the Equipment

Upon receiving the appliance, inspect the shipping boxes and record any external damage. Retain packing materials if you suspect that part of the shipment is damaged; the carrier may need to inspect them.

If the boxes were not damaged in transit, unpack them carefully. Ensure that you do not discard any accessories that may be packaged in the same box as the main unit.

Inspect the packing list and confirm that you received all listed items. Compare the packing list with your purchase order.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions

Observe these guidelines to avoid ESD damage when installing or servicing the appliance.

  • Assemble or disassemble equipment only in a static-free work area.
  • Use a conductive work surface (such as an anti-static mat) to dissipate static charge.
  • Wear a conductive wrist strap to dissipate static charge accumulation.
  • Minimize handling of assemblies and components.
  • Keep replacement parts in their original static-free packaging.
  • Remove all plastic, foam, vinyl, paper, and other static-generating materials from the work area.
  • Use tools that do not create ESD.

Setting up your System

Complete the following steps to set up your system:

  1. Unpack the system.
  2. Remove the I/O connector cover from the system connectors.
    Note: Caution! While installing the system, ensure that it is properly aligned with the slot on the enclosure to prevent damage to the system connectors.
  3. Install the system in the enclosure.
  4. Turn on the enclosure.
    Note: Wait for the chassis to initialize before you press the power button.
  5. Press the power button on the system.
Alternatively, you can also turn on the system by using:
  • The system IPMI.
  • The enclosure Chassis Management Controller (CMC), after the system IPMI is configured on the CMC.

CloudEOS and vEOS Physical Appliance Setup

You may need the following items to perform the procedures in this section:

  • Key to the system key-lock.
  • #1 and #2 Phillips screwdriver.
  • Wrist grounding strap connected to ground.
  • Rack mount kit instructions located in the shipping box.

Before working inside your system

  1. Turn off the system, including all attached peripherals.
  2. Disconnect the system from the electrical outlet and disconnect the peripherals.
  3. Remove the system cover.

Front Bezel

Complete the following tasks to remove the front bezel.

Figure 1. Front Bezel

  1. Unlock the key-lock at the left end of the bezel.
  2. Lift the release latch next to the keylock.
  3. Rotate the left end of the bezel away from the front panel.
  4. Unhook the right end of the bezel and pull the bezel away from the system.

Locate the MAC Addresses for the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance

The information tag is a slide-out label which contains system information such as Service Tag, NIC, MAC address for your reference. Record the MAC addresses in the CloudEOS and vEOS Router Worksheet.


Figure 2. Locating MAC Address of your System

1 - Information tag (front view) 2 -Information tag (back view)
3 - OpenManage Mobile (OMM) label 4 - IPMI MAC address and IPMI secure password label
5 - Service Tag  


Back Panel Ethernet Connections

On the back panel of the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance, locate the Ethernet Integrated 10/100/1000 Mbps NIC connectors. The appliance has four physical 1G ports --- NIC1/2/3/4. NIC1 and NIC2 are aggregated to a bounded interface device0 in 802.3ad mode. So they need to be connected to a network device supporting LACP.

The appliance has four physical 10G ports --- 10GB1/2/3/4 those are configured in SR-IOV mode. Each port is partitioned into 32 SR-IOV Virtual Functions to provide a total of 128 virtual interfaces for CloudEOS and vEOS instances on the appliance. Each CloudEOS and vEOS instance can be assigned up to four virtual functions/interfaces. You may optionally configure a VLAN to be used for each virtual interface. The VLAN configuration allows separation of broadcast domain for traffic in and out of each physical port.

Figure 3. Management Interfaces

Number Description
1 IPMI Port
2 10 GB Port 1
3 10 GB Port 2
4 10 GB Port 3
5 10 GB Port 4
6 NIC 3 - LACP Bonded NICs on Subnet 2
7 NIC 4 - LACP Bonded NICs on Subnet 2
8 NIC 2 - LACP Bonded NICs on Subnet 1
9 NIC 1 - LACP Bonded NICs on Subnet 1



Figure 4. Management Subnet


An Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) provides a GUI-based out-of-band interface for monitoring the hardware appliance.

Record the IP address and Hostname information in CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance Worksheet.

DNS Entries

In order to manage your CloudEOS cluster, it is often easier to connect to them by hostname as opposed to IP address. Fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) should be allocated to:

  • Each of the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance host machines.
  • Each of the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance IPMI interfaces.

Contact your DNS zone administrator for assistance.

Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance IP Configuration

The Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance Host and IPMI IP addresses can be allocated in either of two ways:

Option 1: Using an available DHCP server

Option 2: Manual configuration (Requires terminal connected to VGA port)

DHCP Based IP Address Setup

IPMI IP Address

Using the IPMI MAC from Locate the MAC Addresses for the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance, input an entry into the DHCP Server for the corresponding IPMI IP address mapping to that MAC.


Host IP Address

Using the HOST NIC1 MAC from Locate the MAC Addresses for the Arista CloudEOS and vEOS Router Appliance, input an entry into the DHCP Server for the corresponding HOST IP address mapping to that MAC.

Turn the system on by pressing the power button located on the front of the system.

Figure 5. Power On Button Location

Manual IP Address Setup


Direct IP Address Setup requires a terminal connected to the VGA port of the appliance. This section can be skipped if the Host and IPMI IP addresses have been configured with a DHCP server.

IPMI IP Address

The IPMI IP address can be manually configured via the host's bash shell using the racadm tool.

The racadm commands below are sequence dependent and must be entered in the following order.

  1. Using the attached terminal and keyboard, log in as user “root” and with default password “arista”.
  2. Disable all IPMI related DHCP configuration.
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.DHCPEnable 0
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.DNSFromDHCP 0
    racadm set iDRAC.NIC.DNSDomainFromDHCP 0
  3. Configure the IP network settings for the IPMI interface.
    racadm set iDRAC.NIC.Enable 1
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.Address <iDRAC-IP>
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.Netmask <iDRAC-MASK>
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.Gateway <iDRAC-GW>
  4. Configure the DNS settings for the IPMI interface.
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.DNS1 <iDRAC-DNS1>
    racadm set iDRAC.IPv4.DNS2 <iDRAC-DNS2>
    racadm set iDRAC.NIC.DNSRacName <iDRAC-NAME>
    racadm set iDRAC.NIC.DNSDomainName <iDRAC-DOMAIN.NAME>
  5. Verify the configuration by running the following command.
    racadm getSysInfo
Host IP Address

The host IP address can be manually configured by using the host's bash shell. In order for the settings to be persistent, the following configuration must be completed.

  1. Configure the network settings by editing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-devicebr file.
    IPADDR=<ip address here>
    NETMASK=<subnet mask here>
    GATEWAY=<gateway ip address here>
  2. Configure the DNS settings by editing the /etc/resolv.conf file.
    nameserver <dnsServerIP-1>
    nameserver <dnsServerIP-2>
    search <domain1> <domain2>
  3. Restart the networking service for the changes to take effect.
    service network restart