CVP uses nginx to terminate all the HTTPS connections for which the nginx needs to be configured with a certificate.  This certificate could either be self-signed or signed by the CA. Figure 1 shows the generation and installation of self-signed certificates.

It is possible to have MSS-G configuration pushed automatically to CloudVision from an external system. This document covers the use of Forescout eyeSegment for policy definition and eyeSight for segment assignment.

This feature adds additional functionality to the Devices > Endpoint Search page.The “Endpoint Authentication” tab has been added to the search results.

802.1X information shows which endpoints have authenticated, are undergoing authentication, or have failed to authenticate to the network. This information is available to view in two locations from CloudVision: the 802.1X page in the Devices application, and the Dashboards application.

AAA Providers OAUTH and SAML Support AAA Providers allow users to create and log in to CloudVision with a provider of

Server ordering allows you to prioritize RADIUS and TACACS+ servers and specify the order that CloudVision should follow when attempting login authentication.

You can now enable CloudVision to combine the authentication and authorization requests that it sends to a RADIUS server into a single request. When RADIUS is configured as the AAA provider, CloudVision will send separate authentication and authorization requests by default. This can cause issues with One-Time Password (OTP) users, as issued passwords are only valid for one request. Note: Non-OTP RADIUS systems will be unaffected by the change. To combine authentication and authorization requests, navigate to Settings > Access Control and enable the Combine Login Auth Requests checkbox.

This studio enables you to quickly configure access interfaces towards endpoint devices in your campus network. This configuration relates to the devices in Access Pods deployed using the Campus Fabric (L2/L3/EVPN) Studio. The studio consists of port profiles and campus networks. You can create port profiles, which contain configuration for attributes like speed and MTU, which you can then assign to device interfaces in a campus fabric. Editing the profile will then affect all interfaces that the profile has been assigned to. You can also configure individual interfaces.

A new role permission, Action Execution, has been introduced to control the execution of custom actions when they are run in isolation, such as via Studio Autofill actions and standalone executions in the Action editor. A custom action is a user-created action that has either been installed via a package or has been created using python script and arguments.

An AQL notebook is an interactive tool for working with Advanced Query Language (AQL). It provides an accessible interface for incrementally developing complex queries and visualizing data. An AQL Notebook consists of a series of cells that can be executed individually, making it easy to experiment, test and iterate on AQL code.

Whenever CVP code is upgraded (either by the user on-prem, or automatically, on CVAAS), built-in studios are also upgraded. In some cases, the workspace containing that update may not be auto-submitted. There are typically one of two reasons behind this. Either the studio upgrade impact's device's running config (and we want the user to review the changes), or the new studio isn't building because of some error in the workspace.

The syslog export feature allows users to export audit logs to external server endpoints and monitor the status of these exports using CloudVision.

Use the Authentication Studio to configure RADIUS servers for user authentication and 802.1X authentication and accounting. The 802.1X authentication protocol is a port-based network access control that provides an extra layer of security for both wired and wireless networks.  

This is an optional feature that can be enabled to automatically upgrade the EOS image of any device through ZTP. It ensures that all ZTP-enabled devices in your network have a minimum EOS image version.

Use bearer tokens to provide custom applications or third-party applications, like Ansible, login access to CloudVision. Doing so will allow the application to make configuration changes to EOS devices. Bearer token login can be used with identity providers that issue bearer tokens and have an introspection endpoint. Okta and PingIdentity have been tested for use with CloudVision.

BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection) session telemetry allows for the collection of per session statistics as

This document describes the BGP Maintenance Mode (MM) and MLAG ISSU Actions for Change Control to support hitless

When a device enters maintenance mode, this event will be triggered. The event will stay active while the device stays in maintenance mode.

New releases of CloudVision may introduce new built-in studios or enhancements to existing built-in studios.  Occasionally, these updates may feature improvements and other changes to the configuration template used by the studio and are included as part of the CloudVision release. 

The Certificate Authority Rotation feature included in a previous release has been expanded to include a custom validity period. When rotating a certificate authority (CA) you can now define how long the certificate is valid for.

The Campus Dashboard provides an overview of your network state. Devices stream telemetry data to CloudVision in real time, giving you immediate and up-to-date insights into your network’s health. The timepicker can be used to view historic data of the network state.

The streaming agent and other applications communicate to CloudVision using mutual-TLS certificates signed by a local CA. In order to prevent the CA from expiring, you will need to rotate the CA. Once rotated, the CA is valid for one hundred years.

A new event advises when the CloudVision SSL certificate is expiring. The event will alert users 90 days in advance of certificate expiration.

The Preload feature is used to streamline any change control operations that include an image upgrade. When a change control contains an image upgrade, the Preload feature can be used to create another change control operation that will download the required EOS image versions for each device.

The Change Control UI has been redesigned to improve navigation and workflow speed. Additional information is available in the sidebar, which enables you to gain a better insight into specific actions. These changes are cosmetic and don’t depend on any backend API enhancements.    

Script action is a very effective feature to enable customers to add their own custom actions to Change controls.

The ChangeControl APIs offer a way to programmatically interact with the ChangeControl service on CVP.

Action bundles can be created within the Template editor. Based on the selected Action Bundle, the rule container will expose extra fields for the user to provide inputs.  If the bundle has a Task action, or an action with a DeviceID argument set to Provide via template, the rule will ask the user to define the Device Filter. 

The CloudVision Health dashboard is a built-in dashboard packaged with CloudVision. It provides panels displaying metrics for the cluster. 

When a CVP cluster is deployed in a different location from the devices under management, it is possible that it

Profiles are assigned to user accounts to customize their landing page on CloudVision and present information relevant to them. You can use built-in profiles or create custom ones. Profiles are assigned in Users to user accounts.

Documentation for the new major features is available in the CloudVision User Guide for release 2017.1.0. This TOI

 This document covers the identity provider  (IdP) onboarding in CloudVision as-a-Service (CloudVision). CloudVision as a Service supports two types of identity providers: OAuth & SAML. Each has its unique configuration input and requires different configuration items to configure the provider for use within CloudVision.

CloudVision allows users to maintain multiple login sessions simultaneously. However, to prevent account sharing, administrators can now limit the number of active login sessions a user can have and terminate a user’s open sessions if that have reached their limit and are unable to log in.

Since Device Config diffing is a very important aspect of managing our hardware, we should make sure that this diffing is as convenient as possible. With that we have introduced a few improvements to our diffing component. These improvements range from UX convenience features to performance enhancers.

The connectivity monitor change control action leverages the functionality of the connectivity monitor resource API to monitor connectivity statistics and roll back any configuration changes that affect a device’s connectivity. This feature comes pre-configured with the 2023.3.0 release and any proceeding releases, but can also work with the 2023.2.0 release by downloading the connectivity monitor action pack, available on Github. 

Please do not update packages after minimal installation, the installer ships with all required updated RPMs.

This document describes a procedure and tooling to reallocate the RAM and CPUs in the DCA CV 100 in order to maximize the

Every switch managed by CVP uses TerminAttr to stream updates to CVP and every one of these TerminAttr connections needs to be authenticated. Authentication is provided via shared key or certificates. 

This document describes the TerminAttr certificate authentication feature introduced in the CVP 2019.1.0

Users can now preview dashboards from the main dashboards screen. This allows users to see a windowed version of the selected dashboard that can be interacted with.

Every panel now has four new appearance settings that you can configure. Show Title: Select whether to display the title or not

This release includes an update to the Traffic Flows, Events, and Compliance panels and two new dashboard elements: Layouts.The layouts provide you with further ways to structure and control the layout of your dashboards by combining panels into a single display.

The AQL panel is a dashboard element that allows you to create custom data displays using the CloudVision Advanced Query Language (AQL). This gives you complete control over what data the panel displays and how it displays it, because you define the inputs and write the AQL query that feeds data to the panel.

This feature adds the ability to onboard third-party devices and management systems (herein referred to as “data sources”) via the sensor (formerly known as “collector”) infrastructure. The ability to onboard data sources using a default sensor is available by default on-premises. 

When there are a large number of configlets assigned to devices, it becomes important to have a fast and easy way to view configlets assigned to a device. To facilitate this, we have introduced multiple enhancements to the Device Configuration page that makes it easier for a user to navigate the configuration of their devices.

The device memory usage prediction event monitors the historical device memory usage via the MemAvailable metric and from this data generates a predicted future value which can be subject to a threshold above which to alert the user on. 

The disk usage prediction event monitors the historical device disk usage on a given disk partition and from this data

This feature adds additional functionality to OAuth and SAML providers in the the Settings > Access Control > Providers page. This new functionality is gated behind the “Email Domains for Providers” beta toggle. Enabling the toggle will allow users to specify a list of allowed email domains for provider login.

The figure below shows a conceptual overview of the Arista CVW solution. . As shown in the figure, CVW