Thank you for expressing interest in Arista and potentially enlisting in our channel partner program. At Arista, we’re eager and energized to engage in collaborative selling motions with partners.

Arista has an ever expanding line of networking and security products, with a strong focus on solutions for Data Centers, Cognitive Workspaces (office networks), Network Monitoring, Security and more recently added Service Provider class routing. Arista leads technically with the most advanced switching, security, and software defined networking platforms in the industry. We need partners to help us reach customers, especially those that have trusted relationships with our competitors and/or for those unfamiliar with our extensible line of software and hardware product offerings.

Please complete the application form below to request a conversation with one of our Channel Development Managers to discuss your business goals with Arista and how to fit Arista into your existing practice.


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Interactions with Arista

Arista Sponsor (Name of staff who you’re working with)
Active Engagement
(Name of accounts and locations where you have opportunities in play with Arista)

Note: If your Company does not have an active end-user engagement, please write "N/A" in the field.

Company Profile

Company Legal Name

Note: Please submit the registered company name in full otherwise there may be delays in processing the registration

Specify if other Tax ID
D&B Number (if applicable)

Note: If your Company does not have a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) number, please write "N/A" in the field.

Is Company publicly listed or privately held?
Company Type
What jurisdiction is the company formed in? (should be either a state, territory)

Primary Contact (With Signatory Authority)

Are you submitting this application on behalf of someone with signatory authority?
Submitted by (Full Name)
Submitter Email
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Password (to access
Password should be minimum 12 characters and should not contain the username or QWERTY keywords Be a minimum of 12 characters.Previous 5 passwords cannot be reused.
It should not be based on your username.
It should not be a word that appears in the dictionary.
It should not contain common character sequences.
It should not contain Repetitive word or number patterns like aaabbb, qwerty, zyxwvuts, 123321, etc.
It should not contain words or number spelled backwards like bbaa34,0987654321.
It should not contain previously published or compromised passwords.
It should not contain any of the above preceded or followed by a digit
Verify Password


Zip/Postal Code
Country (Business Address)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Web Address
Email Domains
Number of Branches
In which countries are you requesting to sell Arista Networks products and/or services? For each country mentioned, please specify the length of time you have been conducting business there.
In which U.S. states are you requesting to sell Arista Networks products and/or services?
Annual Revenue
Years in Business
Number of Employees
Number of Sales Reps
Number of Presales Engineers/Consultants/Architects
Number of Support/Implementation Engineers
How many employees does your average client have?
Organization Category
Preferred Distributor (establishes disti “pairing” in Opportunity Registration form)
Do you intend to resell Arista solutions into the US state and/or local government sector?

Do you intend to resell Arista solutions into the US federal sector?

A Federal Addendum may be necessary if you are involved in resale activities targeting U.S. federal end-users. If your response to this question is “Yes,” please reach out to このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 for further guidance.

Do you wish to sell Internationally?
Do you intend to resell to non US/Canadian governments or entities controlled by foreign governments?
Target vertical focus

Which manufacturer(s) does your company currently sell?

Do you offer your own support?
Additional Comments

Business and Capabilities

1. Please describe your current business activities:
2. Please describe in detail the experience and the business or professional relationships of your company and its officers, directors, and employees that relate to your ability to be of assistance to ARISTA:
3. Are you a member of any industry organizations?

If Yes, please describe.

Organization and Leadership

4. Is any portion of your company owned or controlled by a government or any individual government officials?
If yes, please describe the governmental ownership structure, ownership percentages, and any individuals who are government officials and have ownership or control of your company.
5. Please list all of the persons whom you expect will be principally responsible for your company's work on behalf of ARISTA:
  • Name
  • Position(s)
  • Role / Responsibility
  • Email Address
6. Has your company, any person listed in Questions 4 or 5 above, any of your company's affiliates, or any officer, director, or owner of one of your company's affiliates:
... been subject to, implicated in, or otherwise involved in any civil litigation, administrative proceedings, arbitrations, criminal proceedings, or investigation (formal or informal) by any governmental, regulatory, or quasi-governmental body – regardless of jurisdiction – within the last five (5) years related to bribery, corruption, money laundering, embezzlement, fraud, or other similar business crimes?
If you answered “Yes” to this question, please provide a detailed explanation

Government Affiliations

7. Does any owner, officer, director, or employee of your company currently hold any position with any government, any government agency, any international organization, any enterprise owned in whole or in part by a government, or any political party?
If Yes, please identify all such individuals, their positions, and the corresponding governments, agencies, organizations, and/or parties.
  • Name
  • Position in / Relationship to Your Company
  • Position in Government / Agency / Organization / Party
8. If your company is a subsidiary of another corporation or other entity, please provide the same information requested in Items 4 - 7 for the parent corporation or entity.

Ethical Business Practices

9. Does your company have a code of conduct or other policy addressing anti-corruption/bribery guidelines?
If Yes, please attach a copy.
Verification Code
Arista Support Online Resources Terms of Access and Use Agreement
(Click on the link to read and accept the agreement)