License Management
This section describes the procedure for managing cloudeos and veos license files.
Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) in Cloud
This section of the document provides a high level overview about verifying the Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) instance installed on the cloudeos and veos router products on various supported public platform.
Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) is a software consumption model supported by various public cloud provider to charge the consumer based on the usage. Other software consumption model on public cloud provider is Bring-your-own License(BYOL). Each vendor who publish their product on public cloud imposes a license requirement for the real usage of their product in which case, the consumer needs to get the BYOL from the vendor in order to use the product in the public cloud.
License Verification
the following commands are used to verify if an SFE and IPsec licenses are installed in PAYG mode for cloudeos and veos.
Example show output for SFE
If SFE license is installed and validated, the following output is displayed -
switch# show platform sfe licensing
Licensing Information
License TC created: no
Number of throttled interfaces: 0
If SFE license is not installed the following output is displayed -
switch# show platform sfe licensing
Licensing Information
License TC created: yes
Number of throttled interfaces: 1
Interfaces throttled:
Ethernet1: 80 Mbps"
Example show output for IPsec
switch# show ip sec connection
! No valid IPsec license found. IPsec is disabled.
If IPsec is installed the following output is displayed.
switch# show ip sec connection
TunnelSource DestStatusUptime Input Output RekeyTime
Tunnel63 Established 22 minutes 0 bytes0 bytes34 minutes
If no valid certificate is installed, it displays configured IPsec connections.
the following $curl command is used to verify the if an aws / Azure instance is an PAYG instance. This command is executed under Bash mode.
PAYG support for aws
the step shown in the example below is used to verify if an aws instance is an PAYG instance. aws customers can verify the product code of their PAYG instance by querying instance identity document from their running cloudeos and veos router instance.
- To retrieve the instance identity document, use the following command from your running instance:
[switch]$ curl
"accountId" : "083837402522",
"architecture" : "x86_64",
"availabilityZone" : "us-west-1b",
"billingProducts" : null,
"devpayProductCodes" : null,
"marketplaceProductCodes" : [ "cdcwmm26cap8fqlnkwuqte405" ],
"imageId" : "ami-017900c328c2edfbe",
"instanceId" : "i-058ebba29bd475e8b",
"instanceType" : "c5.xlarge",
"kernelId" : null,
"pendingTime" : "2020-05-01T06:53:42Z",
"privateIp" : "",
"ramdiskId" : null,
"region" : "us-west-1",
"version" : "2017-09-30"
PAYG support for Azure
the step shown in the example below is used to verify if an Azure instance is an PAYG instance.
Example metadata showing the SKU:
[switch]$ curl -H Metadata:true ""
PAYG support for GCP
cloudeos#bash curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google"
cloudeos-router-payg-router-vm# ip host
cloudeos-router-payg-router-vmr# ip route Ethernet1 <default_vpc_router>
where <default_vpc_router> is the second address in the primary IP range for the subnet in which Ethernet1 resides. For example, default_vpc_router is in subnet belonging to Ethernet1 in the google cloud.
However, note that, other features which needs access to the cloud provider web APIs like CloudHA, may still have issues with your own DNS/DHCP setup unless carefully planned. If you are using your own DNS/DHCP servers, please see details at
Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) in Cloud and On-Prem
License files for cloudeos and veos
cloudeos and veos license files are available to unlock performance limitations and enable IPSec.
Installing License Files
License files are files that are imported via the CLI. Contact your local SE for assistance in obtaining a license. Use the license import command to download a license file. Save the file to /mnt/flash/ or a server. For example purposes, the licenses below are non-functional.
switch#license import flash:veosLic-1.json
switch#license import flash:IPSecLic-1.json
License files may also be imported via http. the following example illustrates the structure of the licence files import.
Verifying Installed License Files
Use the show license command to display details regarding the active licenses and device-specific information needed for licensing. For example purposes, the licenses below are non-functional.
switch#show license
Customer name: Arista Test Customer
System Serial number: 6FF552005130CB93A1048182A0FE585C
System MAC address: 5254.0062.ab2e
Domain name: Unknown
platform: cloudeos-KVM
License feature: IPSec
License parameter: None
Count: 1
Start: 2018-01-31 00:43:31
Expiration: 2026-12-30 16:00:00
Active: yes
License feature: cloudeos - Virtualized EOS
Throughput: Not Throttled
Count: 1
Start: 2018-01-31 00:42:48
Expiration: 2026-12-30 16:00:00
Active: yes
Update License Files (Optional)
Use the license update command forces the system to evaluate the license files already present in the license store.
switch#license update
Obtaining and Installing Soft Expiry
Users can obtain license files from Arista that extend the time for which the customer can use a certain feature without any limitations. the license for the feature is considered expired, but the feature continues to work until the grace period as mentioned in the license file lapses.
For example, with a license file such as the one below, customer can continue to use veos without any limitations for ten days beyond expiry date.
"LicenseFileVersion": "1.0",
"CustomerName": "Arista Test Customer",
"LicenseSerialNumber": "ARISTA-TEST-DAYSPAST1",
"Signature": {
"SigningCertPEM": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----7brkfssZDrRIatxKEkv6Oc
661JK4KPJvoQsMqYaO/TkZPIXEAdgEDkmj0=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"Hash": "f076d2cac1eac2a8261915e0b2ce4cb547e9c98bda070d001140daf3c3bd3694",
"Signature": "304502201ca6fab964d8a3aade43d306232fcf52b9503fc22f4552
"Features": {
"veos": [
"Count": 1,
"Value": "",
"Valid": {
"NotBefore": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"NotAfter": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"BehaviorModifier": {
"DaysAllowedPastExpiration": 10
"BindingInfo": {
"SystemMAC": "",
"DomainAddress": "",
"SerialNumber": "2BC6A772072B04BED43DCCF8777F036F"
Additional Licensing Show Commands
the following CLIs can be used to verify if a license file is valid, when it expires, what license files are installed and any relevant information regarding a license. the show license commands do not list features that are unlocked by external license files or means.
Show License Files
Use the show license files command to display all information related to the active licenses installed. For example purposes, the licenses below are non-functional.
switch#show license files
License name:2017.
"BindingInfo": {
"DomainAddress": "",
"SerialNumber": "C3F3580316A92EE8D97DB70C967EAAA4",
"SystemMAC": "02:9c:a8:a5:51:5a"
"CustomerName": "Arista Test",
"Features": {
"IPSec": [
"Count": 1,
"Valid": {
"NotAfter": "2018-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"NotBefore": "2017-11-02T15:21:22Z"
"Value": ""
License name:2017.
"BindingInfo": {
"DomainAddress": "",
"SerialNumber": "C3F3580316A92EE8D97DB70C967EAAA4",
"SystemMAC": ""
"CustomerName": "Arista Test",
"Features": {
"cloudeos": [
"Count": 1,
"Valid": {
"NotAfter": "2018-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"NotBefore": "2017-11-02T00:00:00Z"
"Value": ""
"LicenseFileVersion": "1.0",
show license expired
the show license expired command will display the same as the show license command, but only displays expired license files.
switch#show license expired
System Serial number:2BC6A772072B04BED43DCCF8777F036F
System MAC address:06:1b:8a:48:8d:0c
Domain name: Unknown
License feature:IPSec
License parameter:None
Start:2017-10-05 21:49:13
Expiration: 2017-10-09 17:00:00
Active: expired
License feature:cloudeos-Virtualized EOS
License parameter:None
Start:2017-10-05 21:47:34
Expiration: 2017-10-09 17:00:00
Active: expired
show license all
the show license all command will display all license files that are active, expired or license files that have not yet been activated.
switch#show license all
System Serial number:2BC6A772072B04BED43DCCF8777F036F
System MAC address:06:1b:8a:48:8d:0c
Domain name: Unknown
License feature:IPSec
License parameter:None
Start:2017-12-30 16:00:00
Expiration: 2018-12-30 16:00:00
Active: in future
License parameter:None
Start:2017-09-18 13:56:45
Expiration: 2017-12-30 16:00:00
Active: yes
License parameter:None
Start:2017-10-05 21:49:13
Expiration: 2017-10-09 17:00:00
Active: expired
License feature:cloudeos-Virtualized EOS
License parameter:None
Start:2017-10-08 17:00:00
Expiration: 2017-12-30 16:00:00
Active: yes
License parameter:None
Start:2017-12-30 16:00:00
Expiration: 2018-12-30 16:00:00
Active: in future
License parameter:None
Start:2017-10-05 21:47:34
Expiration: 2017-10-09 17:00:00
Active: expired