Rack Mounting the Switch

This section provides instructions on how to rack mount the switch.


Note: The rack mounting procedure is identical for all switches this guide covers. Illustrations in this chapter depict the mounting of a DCS-7010T-48 switch.


Les procédure de montage du bâti est identique pour tous les commutateurs visés par ce guide. Illustrations dans ce chapitre montrent le montage d’un interrupteur de DCS-7010T-48.


Note: Illustrations use a representative Arista switch. Your device may be differ in appearance.


Two-Post Rack Mount

This section provides instructions for mounting the switch in a two-post rack.

To mount the switch onto a two-post rack, assemble the mounting brackets to the chassis, then attach the brackets to the rack posts. Two-post accessory kits include the following parts:

  • 2x mounting brackets

  • 6x M4x5 flat head Phillips screws.


The following image displays the proper bracket placement for the rack mount.

Figure 1. Bracket Mount Placement for Rack Mount


Attaching Mounting Brackets to the Chassis

This section discusses the steps to attach mounting brackets to the chassis.

The following figure displays the front bracket alignment for mounting the switch into a four-post rack.

Figure 2. Attaching the Mounting Brackets to the Switch Chassis

1 Attaching brackets for the front mount


  1. Align the mounting brackets with the attachment pins to obtain the desired mounting position.
  2. Place the bracket flush on the chassis with attachment pins protruding through key openings.
  3. Slide the bracket towards the front flange until the bracket clip locks with an audible click.

    To remove the mounting bracket from the chassis, lift the front edge of the mounting bracket clip with a flathead screwdriver and slide the bracket away from the front flange (opposite from the installation direction).


Inserting the Switch into the Rack

This section describes the steps to insert the switch into the rack.
  1. Lift the chassis, with the brackets attached, into the rack.
  2. Position the flanges against rack posts.
  3. Select mounting screws that fit your equipment rack.
  4. Attach the bracket flanges to the rack posts.
    Figure 3. Inserting the Switch into the Rack