
DHCPv4 Based Firstboot for DMF Controller and Managed Appliances

This chapter outlines a solution for provisioning DANZ Monitoring Fabric appliances via PXE and automating the configuration of the first boot parameters using Ansible.



Typically the deployment of DANZ Monitoring Fabric on supported hardware appliances involves two steps:
  • Installing an appropriate image.
  • Configuration of firstboot parameters such as IP address (DHCP/Static), DNS and NTP server address, admin password(s), cluster information etc.

In this context, Pave refers to the automation of the first time installation of a DMF hardware appliance. This involves installing a DMF image on a hardware appliance and the completion of the firstboot configuration. Firstboot configuration uses Ansible playbook as a automation tool. In contrast, Repave refers to the automation of the re-installation of DMF images on supported DMF appliances. This involves the automated process of re-installing a DMF image on a DMF hardware appliance and the completion of the firstboot configuration.

To accomplish the above tasks there are a couple of prerequisites that need to be met. The production / lab environment should have:
  • A DHCP server that supports the configuration of DHCP option 66 and 67.
  • A TFTP server that can serve the bootloader and the corresponding configuration.
  • An NFS server to serve the net-bootable appliance image.
  • A server with ansible-playbook and with Arista supported playbook modules installed.
  • Supported DMF hardware appliances with preset boot settings order and with PXE enabled management port
Note: In case of Repave action, this new feature introduces a new command (boot pxe) , to change the boot order to PXE boot. On reboot, the appliance will automatically perform image reinstallation.

Steps to Prepare your Services (TFTP/NFS) for PAVE/REPAVE Operation

The following steps need to be completed before the DMF ISO image can be deployed on a TFTP server.

Create a directory by name images on the TFTP server and copy the ISO image to the TFTP server.

  1. SSH to the server, with sudo privileges, and create a temporary directory using the command below.
    $ mktemp -d /tmp/tmp.2syaj0amL7
  2. Mount the ISO image to the directory created above.
    $ mount /images/*.iso /tmp/tmp.2syaj0amL7
  3. Copy the following files to the root TFTPboot directory.
    $ cp /usr/lib/PXELINUX/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot
    $ cp /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/ldlinux.c32 /var/lib/tftpboot
    If the above files are not available on your system, you can obtain them via an apt-get or yum command.
    $ apt-get install pxelinux
  4. Update the TFTP_DIRECTORY variable with parent directory created to store bootloader files.
    $ sed -i "/^TFTP_DIRECTORY=/c\TFTP_DIRECTORY=/var/lib/tftpboot" /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
  5. Create an appropriate folder under your TFTP root directory for each DMF appliance type.
    $ mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-controller/
    $ mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-service-node/
    $ mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-analytics-node/
    $ mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-recorder-node/
  6. Create an appropriate folder on the your NFS root directory for each DMF appliance type.
    $ mkdir <path_to_NFS_root_directory>/dmf-controller/
    $ mkdir <path_to_NFS_root_directory>/dmf-service-node/
    $ mkdir <path_to_NFS_root_directory>/dmf-analytics-node/
    $ mkdir <path_to_NFS_root_directory>/dmf-recorder-node/
  7. Copy files from the folder that was mounted earlier in Step 3.
    $ cp “/tmp/tmp.2syaj0amL7/casper/vmlinuz” "/var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-controller"
    $ cp "/tmp/tmp.2syaj0amL7/casper/initrd.lz" "/var/lib/tftpboot/dmf-controller"
    $ cp -r "$/tmp/tmp.2syaj0amL7/." "<path_to_NFS_root_directory>/dmf-controller"
  8. Update ownership of tftp parent directory with TFTP user account and restart tftp service.
    $ chown -R tftp:tftp /var/lib/tftpboot
    $ systemctl restart tftpd-hpa
  9. Copy kernel configurations that assist the DMF appliance that is booting with UEFI mode, to locate bootloader and vmlinuz files from TFTP and NFS server. It is recommended to define a name for menu entry so that it easily remembered and prefixed with appliance type for differentiation i.e., DCA-DM-CDL-dmf-8.4.0.
    Note:In the currently supported UEFI boot mode, it is recommended to create a PXE configuration file for each hardware mac address i.e., instead of the default grub.cfg use grub.cfg-01-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx . The MAC address should be specified in all lower-case with : replaced by -.
    To do the aforementioned, the user will need to obtain the MAC / Hardware address of the management interfaces. This can be done in two ways as described below:
    1. If this is the first time the appliance is being installed, the user can either:
      • Use the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) web console to determine the MAC address of the management interface.

        Figure 1. Using the iDRAC menu to obtain the Management Interface MAC Address
      • Enter the device BIOS menu during boot up and determine the MAC address of the management interface.

        Figure 2. Using the BIOS menu to obtain the Management Interface MAC Address
    2. If the user intends to do re-installation of DMF appliances, the MAC address of the appliance can be obtained via the CLI command.
      • In case of DMF Controllers with SKU DCA-DM-C450 or DMF Analytics Nodes with SKU DCA-DM-AN450 execute the following two commands, on the Controller, to obtain the relevant MAC address.

        DCA-DM-C450# show local-node interfaces eno8303
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstateCarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno8303bond0 d0:8e:79:d4:1e:56 (Dell)d0:8e:79:d4:1e:56 (Dell)up upactive
        ~ Address ~
        DCA-DM-C450# show local-node interfaces eno8403
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstat CarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno8403d0:8e:79:d4:1e:57 (Dell)d0:8e:79:d4:1e:57 (Dell)downdown
        ~ Address ~
      • In case of DMF Controllers with SKU DCA-DM-CDL and all DMF Recorder Nodes execute the following two commands, on the device, to obtain the relevant MAC address.

        DCA-DM-CDL# show local-node interfaces eno1
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstateCarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno1 bond0 d0:94:66:21:b9:45 (Dell)d0:94:66:21:b9:45 (Dell)upup active
        ~ Address ~
        DCA-DM-CDL# show local-node interfaces eno2
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstateCarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno2 bond0 d0:94:66:21:b9:45 (Dell)d0:94:66:21:b9:46 (Dell)downdown backup
        ~ Address ~
      • For all DMF Service Nodes, execute the following two commands, on the device, to obtain the relevant MAC address.

        dmf-service-node# show local-node interfaces eno3
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstateCarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno3 bond0 78:ac:44:8a:59:52 (Dell)78:ac:44:8a:59:52 (Dell)upup active
        ~ Address ~
        dmf-service-node# show local-node interfaces eno4
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        InterfaceMasterHardware addressPermanent hardware addressOperstateCarrierBond modeBond role
        --------- |------ |------------------------ |-------------------------- |--------- |------- |--------- |--------- |
        eno4 78:ac:44:8a:59:53 (Dell)78:ac:44:8a:59:53 (Dell)downdown
        ~ Address ~
    • If both the management ports of the appliance are connected to the top of the rack management switch, the user is recommended to generate a separate PXE configuration file for both the management ports.
      cat << EOF | sudo tee /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/grub/grub.cfg-01-0a-0b-0c-0d-0e-0f
      set default="0"
      loadfont unicode
      set gfxmode=auto
      insmod all_video
      insmod gfxterm
      serial --unit=0 --speed=115200
      serial --unit=1 --speed=115200
      terminal_input console
      terminal_input --append serial_com0
      terminal_input --append serial_com1
      terminal_output gfxterm
      terminal_output --append serial_com0
      terminal_output --append serial_com1
      set timeout=5
      menuentry "Install <INSERT_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME>" {
      linux dmf-controller/vmlinuz boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot=<ip-address of PXE server>
      :/srv/install/dmf-controller toram noprompt ip=dhcp -- unattended_installation autofirstboot_
      initrd dmf-controller/initrd.lz

DHCPv4 based firstboot for DMF Controller and Managed Appliances

There are two main steps involved in accomplishing automatic installation of an image on a supported DMF hardware appliance and the completion of the firstboot configuration. Auto installation of images using PXE and auto configuration of firstboot parameters to complete DMF HW appliance installation.

  • Auto-installation of Images - Auto installation of DMF image uses well known services like DHCP, TFTP, NFS and PXE. DMF images are PXE bootable and using the aforementioned services, we can accomplish auto-installation of images on the DMF appliances.

    A high level procedure for auto-installation is given below.

    • User configures DHCP server to provide DHCP IP address:
      • Next-server IP address (This is the TFTP server IP address specified by Option 66 configuration on DHCP server).

        next-server <TFTP_SERVER_IP>;
        class "pxeclient" {
        match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient";
        filename "boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi"; # x86 EFI
      • It is recommended to bind a static IP to the hardware MAC address of the DMF appliance. Sample configuration using linux based DHCP service is shown below.

        group {
        hardware ethernet <DMF_APPLIANCE_MAC>;
        fixed-address <DESIRED_IP_ADDRESS>;
    • On a DMF HW appliance where you want PXE boot, enable PXE on the management interface NIC card.
      Figure 3. Enable interfaces in BIOS to be PXE bootable
    • For the initial PAVE action, press the F12 key during the initial boot process to manually trigger PXE boot. This is not required when the user intends to reinstall (REPAVE) the DMF appliance images.
      Figure 4. Manual PXE Boot by pressing F12
      • Power cycle the DMF HW appliance.
      • DHCP client on NIC card sends DHCP discover and request and gets IP address and next-server (TFTP server) IP address.
      • Then management NIC gets the bootloader, via PXE boot using a TFTP server. A bootloader config file with a filename based on the MAC address of the appliance is configured and saved on the DHCP server.
      • The appliance also gets other configuration parameters like NFS mount where appliance ISO images are stored.
      • It boots from the boot loader and then gets the DMF appliance ISO image from the NFS server.
      • The appliance then boots the ISO image and starts the installation process without needing user input.
      • On reboot, the appliance again acquires a DHCP based management IP address, sets up initial default user credentials and waits for auto firstboot configuration via Ansible.
        Note: For repave, the procedure is the same except that the DMF appliance is already running a DMF image and needs to boot from PXE again for re-installation.
    • Auto Configuration of Firstboot - Auto configuring of firstboot parameters uses Ansible. This is accomplished by interacting with auto-firstboot-cloud-plugin available in hardware appliances.
      • Customer initiates initial configuration playbook in Ansible. A sample YAML based anisble playbook file is shown below:
        - name: Test Autofirstboot Properties Provider
        gather_facts: false
        hosts: Controllers
        connection: "local"
        run_once: true
        - name: Provide Autofirstboot Properties to Cluster
        config_json: "<Pave-Repave-config.json>"
        timeout: 3600
        log_dir: "logs"
      • The configuration playbook will get the JSON based configuration file from the server where the playbook is being executed. The JSON file should have specific sections for each DMF appliance that is being installed/re-installed. An example is shown below.
        "initial-admin-password": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWD>",
        "initial-config-password": "pxe_temp_password",
        "dhcp-ip": "",
        "appliance-type": "BMF",
        "firstboot-properties": {
        "admin-password": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWD>",
        "recovery-password": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-CLEAR-TEXT-RECOVERY-PASSWD>",
        "hostname": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-HOSTNAME>",
        "cluster-name": "<CLUSTER-NAME>",
        "cluster-description": "<CLUSTER-DESCRIPTION>",
        "ip-stack": "ipv4",
        "ntp-servers": ["<CLUSTER-NTP-SERVER-1>","<CLUSTER-NTP-SERVER-2>"],
        "dns-servers": ["<CLUSTER-DNS-SERVER-1>","<CLUSTER-DNS-SERVER-2>"]
        "initial-config-password": "pxe_temp_password",
        "dhcp-ip": "<STANDBY-CONTROLLER-DHCP-IP>",
        "appliance-type": "BMF",
        "firstboot-properties": {
        "admin-password": "<STANDBY-CONTROLLER-CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWD>",
        "hostname": "<STANDBY-CONTROLLER-HOSTNAME>",
        "cluster-name": "<CLUSTER-NAME>",
        "cluster-to-join": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-IP>",
        "ip-stack": "ipv4"
        "initial-config-password": "pxe_temp_password",
        "dhcp-ip": "<STANDBY-CONTROLLER-DHCP-IP>",
        "appliance-type": "BMFSN",
        "firstboot-properties": {
        "admin-password": "<MANAGED-APPLIANCE-CLEAR-TEXT-PASSWD>",
        "recovery-password": "<MANAGED-APPLIANCE-CLEAR-TEXT-RECOVERY-PASSWD>",
        "hostname": "<MANAGED-APPLIANCE-HOSTNAME>",
        "ip-stack": "ipv4",
        "controller_ip": "<ACTIVE-CONTROLLER-IP>",
        "ntp-servers": ["<NTP-SERVER-1>","<NTP-SERVER-2>"],
        "dns-servers": ["<DNS-SERVER-1>","<DNS-SERVER-2>"]
        Note: The initial-config-password is used by the ansible script to access the DMF appliance via SSH for the first time.
      • Ansible pushes initial configuration data to appliance via SSH, using default credential configured in the JSON file in Step 1 above.
      • Appliance completes initial configuration (firstboot).
      • Appliance confirms to Ansible that initial configuration is complete. An example run of the ansible-playbook is shown below.
      An example run of the ansible-playbook is shown below.
      ansible-playbook sample_playbook.yml --limit="," -v
      [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Ansible will require Python 3.8 or newer on the controller starting
      with Ansible 2.12. Current version: 2.7.18 (default, Jul 1 2022, 12:27:04) [GCC 9.4.0].
      This feature will be removed from ansible-core in version 2.12. Deprecation warnings can be
      disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
      ansible/parsing/vault/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer
      supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and
      will be removed in the next release.
      from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
      Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
      PLAY [Test Autofirstboot Properties Provider]
      *************TASK [Provide Autofirstboot Properties to Cluster]
      *************Targeting all hosts specified in config [u'', u'']
      [ BMF (active)]: Waiting for SSH connection.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Waiting for SSH connection.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Established SSH connection.
      [WARNING]: It is NOT recommended to disable SSL verification. Please upload a valid SSL
      certificate to the API server.
      [ BMF (active)]: Established SSH connection.
      [WARNING]: It is NOT recommended to disable SSL verification. Please upload a valid SSL
      certificate to the API server.
      [WARNING]: [ BMF (active)]: Detected BIOS firmware. The BIOS PXE boot trigger has
      been found to be unreliable. Upgrade to UEFI is recommended.
      [WARNING]: [ BMF (standby)]: Appliance already configured. Attempting PXE boot to
      [WARNING]: [ BMF (active)]: Appliance already configured. Attempting PXE boot to
      [ BMF (standby)]: Expecting appliance to reboot with IP =
      [ BMF (active)]: Expecting appliance to reboot with IP =
      [ BMF (standby)]: Verified repave succeeded.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Waiting for active to be configured.
      [ BMF (active)]: Verified repave succeeded.
      [ BMF (active)]: Successfully provided config to appliance.
      [ BMF (active)]: Waiting for appliance to apply config. Expecting final IP = 10.
      [ BMF (active)]: Successfully retrieved firstboot logs.
      [ BMF (active)]: Config applied.
      [ BMF (active)]: Attempting to reset recovery password.
      [ BMF (active)]: Successfully reset recovery password.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Active configured. Proceeding with configuration.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Successfully provided config to appliance.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Waiting for appliance to apply config. Expecting final IP = 10.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Successfully retrieved firstboot logs.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Config applied.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Attempting to reset recovery password.
      [ BMF (standby)]: Successfully reset recovery password.
      changed: [] => {"changed": true, "success": true, "summary": {"": {
      "appliance-type": "BMF", "expected-dhcp-ip": "", "role": "active"}, "10.240.156.
      84": {"appliance-type": "BMF", "expected-dhcp-ip": "", "role": "standby"}}}
      ******************56.82 : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Assumption and Trust Model

PXE boot is fundamentally incompatible with zero-trust environments and as a result assumptions must be made in order to establish the trust required to authenticate the appliances. This section provides a summary of the assumptions which underpin the security this design provides.

  • The management network is trusted, such that:
    • DHCP is secured.
      • The DHCP server (or DHCP relaying) is secure.
      • Rogue DHCP packets are dropped/blocked.
    • Impersonation by MAC or IP spoofing is not possible due to either:
      • Assumption: Machines on the same L2 network are trusted not to impersonate other machines by presenting false identities (MAC addresses or IP addresses).
      • Guarantee: Machines in the same L2 network cannot impersonate other machines by presenting themselves with false identities as enforced by network admins who may, for example:
        • Pin a MAC address to a specific switch and switch port.
        • Pin an IP address to a MAC address statically (i.e. static ARP entry).
    • Routers between the PXE TFTP/HTTP server and the target machine are secure/trusted to forward packets to the rightful owners (e.g. having correct routing tables and MAC address tables).
    • The PXE (TFTP/NFS) server is secure and cannot be compromised resulting in an attacker providing a malicious image.