The DMF Application Identification feature allows monitoring of applications identified from packets taken from filter interfaces and sent through the fabric by sending IPFIX reports to a collector. The feature provides a filtering function by forwarding or dropping packets from specific applications before sending the packet to the analysis tools.

DMF-8.5.0 Metrics

SwitchLightOS (SWL) switches can now report their CPU queue statistics and debug counters. Viewing these statistics can be done using the DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Controller CLI. The statistics are exported to any connected DMF Analytics Node.

DMF-8.5.0 Metrics

Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects and stores metrics from different sources in a time-series database. Prometheus offers a powerful query language, which allows users to analyze and visualize the collected data in real-time. With its robust alerting system, Prometheus can also notify users of potential issues which helps with their timely resolution.

The DISK_LOW notification is no longer produced when disk usage is high and the packet recorder is configured with the Rolling-FIFO memory eviction policy, which is the default policy. In Rolling-FIFO policy mode, the disk is expected to be constantly near full, evicting the oldest packets to free up space for the newly recorded packets. In this mode, a single warning log message is produced including a note explaining that is the expected behavior.

DMF-8.5.0 Metrics

A DMF fabric consists of a pair of controllers, switches, and managed appliances. This feature allows the user to retrieve the infrastructure metrics (interface counters, CPU usage etc.) associated with all these devices centrally from the controllers using its REST API.