Network Search
In the Network Provisioning module, you can use the search bar at the top of the module to find a given device or container.
Search Behavior in Topology and List View
This search is very different from rest of other search options available in topology. On user starts to type, the list of possible matches will be displayed below as an auto suggestion.
Topology Search
List View Search
The search behaves similar to the topology search.
For a single device search, the selected device will be listed in the grid.
Search in Other Grids
During a grid search, the user will not be provided with an auto suggest option. Only the records matching the specified data entered will be filtered and displayed in the grid.
Label Search
Use the search bar from the Network Provisioning screen to filter the devices based on labels.
To search a label:
AND Operation
Lists all the devices which has both the labels present on it in the hierarchy.
Label: <Label Name> AND Label: <Label Name>
OR Operation
Lists all the devices which has either one of the labels present on it in the hierarchy.
Label: <Label Name> OR Label: <Label Name>
NOT Operation
Lists all the devices which has first label one the labels present on it in the hierarchy.
Label: Label Name AND NOT Label: Label Name
Preview Option
All the actions performed in Network Provisioning module can be previewed before saving the changes.