Setup for Automatic Sync of Compliance Bug Database
In order to keep the bug database up to date and receive real-time assessments on exposure to software defects and security vulnerabilities, an automated sync can be configured between CVP and using a token-based authentication and proxy URL.
The Compliance screen has a compliance section that accepts the following information:
- An authentication token generated by to enable CVP to keep its bug database up-to-date.
- Proxy URL to reach the update server at
This token is generated per user and can be obtained from the user profile screen under the Portal Access section on
When this token is provided in the Compliance settings screen, it allows CVP to download the latest version of the file that is available on the Software downloads page.
The version and release date of the compliance bug database in use can be viewed in the Settings screen under Telemetry Browser > analytics > BugAlerts > update.